The Polymer Competence Center Halle-Merseburg (KKZ), the Institute of Polymeric Materials e.V. (IPW), the foundation Academy Polymer Innovations of Central Germany (AMK) and the University of Applied Sciences Merseburg (HS Merseburg) invite to the international scientific conference
from June 15th to 17th 2016 at the Campus Merseburg.
The „PolyMerTec“ is based on the polymeric value chain. The main focuses are:
- Polymer Synthesis & Development of Plastics
- Plastics Technology & Polymer Processing
- Polymer Analytics, Plastics Testing & Polymer Diagnostics
- Polymer Applications & Polymer Products
The lectures are classified in 11 groups:
- Biopolymers (Prof. Dr. Andreas Heilmann, Prof. Dr. Markus Pietzsch)
- Charaterization of Plastic Materials (Prof. Dr. Valentin Cepus)
- Characterization
- Instrumental analytics
- Polymer analytics
- Deformation & Fracture of Polymers (Prof. Dr. Beate Langer, Dr. Ralf Lach)
- Polymer testing
- Fracture mechanics toughness characterization of polymers
- Hybrid methods of polymer testing and polymer diagnostics
- Non-destructive testing
- Ultrasonic testing equipment
- Long-term behaviour and ageing
- Polymers for Solar Technology (Prof. Dr. Jörg Bagdahn)
- Polymer Blends & Nanocomposites (Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Radusch)
- Heterogeneous polymer systems
- Interface interaction
- Thermodynamic compatibility
- Compatibilisation
- Nanofillers
- Structure & Morphology (Prof. Dr. René Androsch)
- Morphology/properties/application
- Bio-based materials
- Medical implants
- Materials of power engineering
- Plastic Fiber Composites (Prof. Peter Michel)
- Rubber & Elastomers (Dr. Katrin Reincke)
- Synthesis
- Structure development
- Compounding
- Modelling
- Ageing and durability
- Testing and characterization
- Applications
- Recycling of Plastics (Prof. Dr. Mathias Seitz)
- Rapid Prototyping (Dipl.-Ing. Dietmar Glatz, Dipl.-Kffr. Kathrin Schaper-Thoma)
- Damage Analysis (Prof. Dr. Ines Kotter)
- Damage analysis and component diagnostics
Additionally, an exibition of scientific equipment as one important part of the conference completes the programme.
For the detailed program, please refer to the flyer.
Prof. Dr. Beate Langer
Prof. Dr. Peter Michel