18th Conference "Deformation and Fracture Behaviour of Polymers"

Contact person:
Dr. Ralf Lach
Institute of Polymer Materials
Geusaer Str. 81f, 06217 Merseburg
E-Mail: info@ipw-merseburg.de

Within the scope of the international conference polymertec24 the 18th conference “Deformation and Fracture Behaviour of Polymers” will take place as an independent symposium from 19 to 20 June 2024. Colleagues in polymer science and plastics technology in Merseburg and Halle (Saale) like to request you very much to contribute an oral presentation or poster regarding the following topics:

  • Toughness assessment of polymer materials using fracture mechanics concepts
  • Long-term behaviour and ageing
  • Hybrid methods of polymer testing and polymer diagnostics
  • Deformation and fracture of elastomers and films
  • Morphology-property correlations
  • Polymer testing/failure analysis and component diagnostics
  • Biopolymers, biocompatible materials and medical implants

The Save-the-date / Invitation flyer can be downloaded here:

Deformation and fracture behaviour of Polymers-flyer