
Merseburg is situated within the central-German metropolitan area Halle-Leipzig and can be easily reached by train (Hauptbahnhof Merseburg) and car (Halle and Leipzig are close).

For long-distance arrival the airport Leipzig/Halle is well-connected with Merseburg by suburban and      short-distance trains if traveling via Halle (see: www.bahn.de).

The location of the conference (see map below) is the lecture hall building (Hörsaalgebäude marked with “Hö”) on the campus of the Merseburg University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule Merseburg).

A pre-conference party to be open for all participants without any charge will take in the “Haus der Studierenden” (marked with “Hst”, see map) very close to the lecture hall building. Time: 18/06/2024, 18:00‒22:00.

The Guided Tour (19/06/2024, 18:00–18:30) will start and end in front of the “Ständehaus” (Oberaltenburg 2, Merseburg). Inside the Ständehaus also the Networking Event including the conference dinner will be take place.

The Excursion at 20/06/2024 will start in front of the lecture hall building at 16:45